So then...

About Me

Welcome to my blog. My pen name is Eva James. I'm an aspiring writer paying the bills working as a legal secretary. Bullied by my boss in 2008, I looked for another job but the recession hit. Feeling trapped, I started this blog. Trevor Griffiths, legendary theatre, TV and film writer said at the outset, "I like the writing a lot: smart, cool, placed. If you were prepared/able to take your prick of a boss on, you'd marmelise him." I was unaware back then that it would catalogue one of the most extreme cases of workplace bullying in the UK. I've found another job, but am subject to a gagging order. I'm still blogging, of course. Just don't tell the lawyers!

Thursday, 29 March 2012

Photos of Launch 26.03.012

Heartfelt thanks to everyone who participated in the book launch, from the hands-on organisation to getting the word out on Twitter. I can’t put it any better than Adam Hollingworth’s post launch feedback. He was the photographer of the day, but he’s a lovely writer too. Check out
I’ve attached a selection of Adam’s beautiful shots from the launch for you to enjoy.

Federico from Kreate is in full flyer action.

On of my favourites from Adam Hollingworth

Capital Chorus outside Canary Wharf DLR

A little product placement

Katie from Kreate shows the book to commuters as Captial Chorus sings Sixteen Tons.

Federico explains the launch to an interested commuter.

Another flyer from Federico.

Capital Chorus gain more fans!

Such a shame it's all over! Thanks again to everyone who helped make the day such a success!

Very best

Saturday, 24 March 2012

Would the Real Eva James Please Stand Up?

It’s natural, I suppose, with only a couple of days until my anti-workplace bullying event and book launch, for me to be wondering...


I mean, I walked out two years ago. Why isn’t writing the book and the blog enough? Writing is how I ordinarily deal with workplace bullying, so why come out from behind my desk, go to the lengths of adopting a disguise and organising a Joe versus the Volcano referenced promotion?

This is why: 

In the book, I conclude that I’m still as fired up as ever, but that it’s a broader frustration with employment law, the political reforms being proposed and the blanket refusal by employers to recognise the problem.

All true, of course, but it goes deeper than that.

During my recent interview on BBC Radio Wales, when Jamie Owen asked me to recall one or two of the worst instances of bullying, I struggled to describe things without welling up. It caught me off guard – another indicator of how long it can take to recover.

And the biggest reason is the messages I get from those who’ve been there. It’s all those people who contact me on Twitter and the blog with their own stories; people still trapped in abusive jobs going through just what I did. 

I’ve always said that writing is a healthy way to get over things. It’s cathartic. I hold to that. But I’m so eager for change that I’m ready to stand up and be counted. There’s something to be said for grabbing your megaphone when nothing is fair – on any level. 

Yes, I’m comfortable sat behind my desk, but I’m happy to stand up for the British employee. Someone has to.

I’ve always referred to the book launch as my closure.

But I’m wondering now if this is just the start...
Wish me luck for Monday morning X

Very best

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Humour Me

A few weeks ago, when one of my followers misunderstood a tweet, I received a curt reply of: ‘There’s nothing funny about workplace bullying’. 

But as T S Eliot points out: ‘Humour is also a way of saying something serious’.

My own case proves this. My problems started because my boss thought he was a comedian. Even serious abuse can be shrugged off with the ‘I was just joking’ quip.

Further, a sense of humour was integral in helping me survive what turned out to be the darkest time of my life.

So it may not come as a complete surprise that the inspiration behind my workplace bullying book launch and my way of raising awareness come, not from some earnest role model, but the opening scene of a screwball comedy - Joe versus The Volcano. (

Do you know the film? It’s the fable which opens with the dehumanization of Joe Bank's job and work environment. His dispirited trudge into work is overplayed with Sixteen Tons by Tennessee Ernie Ford.  

So between 8am and 10am on Monday, 26th March 2012, we’ll be in the concourse of the Docklands Light Railway at Cabot Place, Canary Wharf, London where I’ve hired a barbershop quartet to sing Sixteen Tons as commuters trudge to work – perhaps wondering what they can expect from their own workplace bully this week. Promotional staff will be on hand to ask passers-by if they too have ever been affected by workplace bullying.

It’s very ‘now’, with the anti-capitalist demonstrations and Occupy St Pauls, but it’s a humorous take on it; as stressed and possibly harassed workers slope into the corporate machine for yet another week.

How can I afford all this, you might be wondering? Well, once again I’m using some of Howard’s settlement money. As I comedian, I expect him to see the funny side!

Do stop by and say hello if you’re in the area.

Very best

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