So then...

About Me

Welcome to my blog. My pen name is Eva James. I'm an aspiring writer paying the bills working as a legal secretary. Bullied by my boss in 2008, I looked for another job but the recession hit. Feeling trapped, I started this blog. Trevor Griffiths, legendary theatre, TV and film writer said at the outset, "I like the writing a lot: smart, cool, placed. If you were prepared/able to take your prick of a boss on, you'd marmelise him." I was unaware back then that it would catalogue one of the most extreme cases of workplace bullying in the UK. I've found another job, but am subject to a gagging order. I'm still blogging, of course. Just don't tell the lawyers!

Monday, 20 June 2011


I’ve been asked a number of times this week for my definition of workplace bullying. The first question that always pops into mind is why. Why is someone curious or struggling to come up with a definition?

Our motives will greatly affect our definition.

This is why definitions of workplace bullying in HR Staff Handbooks are long and woolly; an attempt to cover everything. For example, here’s an extract from the Staff Handbook HOWARD and his HR pals hastily scrambled together after the office junior tried to take HOWARD to an Employment Tribunal:-

Our firm did not condone:-

“Harassment related to gender, race, ethnicity, colour, disability, age, religion, nationality, occupation, marital status, sexual orientation or other personal characteristics. There was to be no abuse through e-mail, texts or websites; no invasion of personal space, spreading malicious rumours or insulting someone. There was to be no intended isolation or exclusion, stalking or offensive sexual remarks. There was to be no public ridicule, sarcasm or humiliation; no abuse of power, position or knowledge. They did not want people to be stressed, demotivated or frightened”.

This definition was intended solely to protect HOWARD and his pals from future legal accusation. It did not stop the bullying, nor was that its primary goal. On the contrary, HOWARD was comforted that, should he be accused again, he could throw the Staff Handbook at the Tribunal and say – “Hey, we DEFINED it! We’re not bullies.” This is the dangerous thing about definitions. It implies understanding. It implies awareness. It implies some academic thought.

It is academic. The more people that discuss it, the more abstract it becomes. Experts want to be heard and naturally want to include all the various legal, ethical and social angles. This prompts more questions. A researcher thinks they have a good definition until someone says:-

“Yes, but can racial, sexual etc bullying could be defined as 'bullying' or is it more 'harassment/discrimination’?”


“Is it perhaps dependent upon how the individual themselves perceives it?”

Definitions belong in the same place as statistics and surveys. It’s the territory of the ‘expert’. It may be interesting, but it proves little assistance to a torturous employment problem.

So where do I stand?

Workplace bullying is situational. Within any firm, company or organisation every employee arrives each day with their own prejudices, problems at home, stresses at work, personal likes and dislikes, preferred ways of working etc. How they are allowed to behave toward each other and how these prejudices and problems manifest are down to the company structure and management. Therefore, it really doesn't matter much why one employee is targeted, so much that it is left unchecked and becomes a real problem.

So my definition of workplace bullying is "Where a firm, company or organisation permits one employee to torment and harass another".

I don’t claim for a minute that my definition is the best example or the unquestionable conclusion, but I’m happy that it works for its money; it implies a company is to blame.

What are your thoughts? Do let me know.

Best wishes



Mr Fan said...


Great topic, defining workplace bullying.

It would be a task which would be complicated to cover the so 2 billion workers around the world.

Your definiation is a good overview.

It would be nice to see a comprehensive list on this some day (not asking you but from anywhere) as I think there are up to 100 specific criteria's or even more. eg an employee expressing exhausion - why? maybe the boss has overworked this person to maximise profits, swearng in the workplace, this is a sign of bullying, a worker walking around in a sad face, why, because the boss is Always critical & does not provide any support, the list can be endless but I think it must be there.

keep safe & thanks for the reading

Maja said...

I like your definition. I think the problem is the same for schools..

Where is the difference between 'harmless' teasing between children and outright bullying?

Where is the difference between friendly teasing and outright bullying at the workplace?

Good observation..

Unknown said...

Lawyers can be horrific bosses. Cobblers' kids and all that.

The Law Society in Scotland commissioned a project last year which involved inviting people who had experienced/witnessed bullying in law firms to share their experiences anonymously. Not sure anything much came of it, though. Sorry you're having such a rough time.

Bullied By The Boss said...

Thanks for your comments!

Mr Fan, wouldn't it be great if there was a comprehensive list! And it's definitately something for workers to compile, not employer/lawyers.

It's really interesting when you start thinking about it. I'm also very interested in the dynamics of school bullying too, as Maja says, there are many similarities.

Thanks Slam Bang, that's a spot on observation about the Cobbler's kids. So true! I'm going to have a search and see if I can find that Scottish Law Society study. I bet that's a read in itself!

Please keep your comments coming. I'm learning every day.

Very best

Unknown said...

Here's a link to a piece on the work the Law Society commissioned (by Equality Works)

Hope you're having a better day at work today!

Bottom Swirl